Best buy last month...

Aku itu tipe yang ngga mau ribet sama urusan rambut ya, karena rambutku tertutup hijab gitu kan, cuma aku dan orang terdekat aja yg liat jadi nggak begitu aware sama treatment rambut yg beragam itu, as long as ngga ketombean dan rontok rambut ku well aja sih.

Tapi dari bulan november tahun lalu, rambutku rontok parah, separah itu sampe frustasi takut rambut abis dan botak ya kan, rontoknya udah di taraf akut sih, yang kalo abis nyisir itu sisir bisa penuh rambut, lepas iket rambut langsung pada rontok, kasur dan lantai kamar tiap hari selalu ada aja rambut jatuh, padahal tiap hari aku selalu bersihin, sampe di suatu momen aku ngaca dan rambut bagian depan aku itu kayak udah tipis banget gitu kearah hampir botak. Panik dong pastinya. Langsung deh tu kepikiran buat treatment rambut. Udah berbagai produk dan cara aku pakai tapi nggak berhasil dan tetep rontok.

Nah dulu banget aku sempet ngincer ini produk tapi mau beli maju mundur karena ya itu tadi aku belom aware banget masalah nutrisi rambut. Akhirnya cuss beli tanpa pikir panjang demi kelangsungan hidup rambut ku ini.

Aku tulis review ini udah sebulan pemakaian produk ini ya btw. Dan gimana efeknya di rambut aku ?

Asliii nyesel nggak pake produk ini dari dulu, sebagus itu loh, tanpa basa basi dan pemakaian yang ribet tp khasiatnya keliatan banget dong.

Tumbuh lab ini setau aku ya emang di khususkan untuk problem rambut rontok, klaimnya sih bisa mengurangi rambut rontok, menutrisi rambut, menumbuhkan dan menebalkan rambut, menyehatkan kulit kepala dan banyak lagi manfaat lainnya.

1 bulan aku pakai aku cukup impressed ya sama produk ini, 2 minggu pertama pemakaian, rambut rontok ku jauh berkurang, dan makin kesini rambut aku kayak lebih kelihatan sehat gitu, walaupun aku belom liat ada pertumbuhan rambut baru ya, cuma kita liat beberapa bulan kedepan, semoga aja rambutku yang hilang segera tergantikan.

Produk ini berbentuk oil, pemakaiannya cukup di tetesin ke seluruh kulit kepala kalian, dikit.dikit aja tp di ratain, cukup di kulit kepalanya ya, helai rambutnya ngga perlu, instruksi produknya sih pakainya 1-8 jam sebelum keramas, kalo aku sih cukup 1 jam aja, abis itu di bilas deh pake shampo, oilnya tu light gitu, jadi untuk bilasnya cukup mudah, ngga perlu pakai air hangat atau berkali.kali bilas. Cukup memudahkan untuk kalian yang ngga suka berlama.lama di kamar mandi ya, termasuk aku.

Yang aku suka dari produk ini adalah produk ini itu ingridientsnya semua herbal jadi aman dan nyaman banget di pakenya, kebetulan aku pakai varian yg peppermint jadi kalo di aplikasiin ke rambut kayak ada sensasi dinginnya gitu, refresh banget sih, bikin pusing ilang. Tapi buat kalian yang ngga suka peppermint ada juga varian originalnya kok.

Untuk harga ini aku beli seharga Rp 115.000, menurut aku itu worth it banget karena aku nggak perlu spend money lagi buat produk lainnya, cukup hair oil ini + shampo apapun jenis dan merknya, rambut aku udah cukup ternutrisi.

Jadi aku rekomendasiin banget ya ini produk buat kalian yang lagi cari produk untuk rambut rontok. Semoga review ku kali ini bermanfaat.


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Best buy last month...


I'm the type who doesn't want to be complicated with hair matters, because my hair is covered with a hijab, it's just me and the closest people who see it so I'm not aware of the various hair treatments, as long as it doesn't dandruff and hair falls out, it's fine.


But since November last year, my hair is falling out so badly, it's that bad that I'm frustrated, I'm afraid of losing my hair and going bald, isn't it, the hair loss is already at an acute level. After combing, the comb full of hair. If you remove the hair tie, it will fall out immediately, on the mattress and the floor of the room every day always there is hair falling out, even though every day I always clean it, until one moment I looked in the mirror and my front hair seemed so thin and it was almost bald. Panic for sure. Immediately, I thought about hair treatment. I have used various products and methods but it doesn't work and it keeps falling out.


Well, I had a crush on this product before but wanted to buy it back and forth because I wasn't aware of the problem of hair nutrition. And finally I bought it without thinking for the survival of my hair.


By the way I've been using this product for a month when I write this review. And how does it affect on my hair?


I’m really regret not using this product in the first place, it's as good as it is, without further ado and complicated use, but the benefits are really visible.


Tumbuh Lab, as far as I know, is dedicated to hair loss problems, claims that it can reduce hair loss, nourishing hair, grow and thicken hair, nourish the scalp, and many other benefits.


I've been using this product for 1 month, I'm quite impressed with this product, the first 2 weeks of using it, my hair loss has reduced a lot, and now that I'm here, my hair looks healthier, even though I haven't seen any new hair growth yet, we'll see in the next few months I hope that my lost hair will be replaced soon.


This product is in the form of oil, you just need to put it in drops all over your scalp, just a little bit, but you can even apply it, it's enough on the scalp, you don't need to get to the strands of hair, the product instructions are to use it 1-8 hours before shampooing, for me, just an hour it’s enough, after that, rinse with shampoo, the oil is so light, so it's quite easy to rinse, no need to use warm water or rinse many times. It's quite easy for those of you who don't like to linger in the bathroom, like me.


What I like about this product is that the ingredients are made of herbs, so it's very safe and comfortable to use. I used the peppermint variant, so when I apply it to my hair, it feels like it has a cooling sensation, it's refreshing, it makes dizzy go away. But for those of you who doesn’t like peppermint, there's also an original variant.


For the price, I bought it for Rp. 115,000, I think it's worth it because I don't need to spend any more money on other products, just this hair oil + shampoo, whatever type and brand, my hair is already quite nourished.


So I really recommend this product for those of you who are looking a product for hair loss. I hope my review this time is useful.



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